Montana Youth Symphony

Upcoming Events

May 23-26:
Fundraiser Concerts

MYS Superstars perform for audiences in Helena, Great Falls, and Missoula.

August 5-11: 2024 Montana Youth Symphony

Our second annual festival takes place in Bozeman!

2024 Program Dates: August 5-11

Tickets Are Live!

Secure Your Seat Today! Tickets for the Montana Youth Symphony Gala Concert are live at the link below.

gala concert TICKETS

Tickets for Tanner Jorden's Piano Recital Concert are live at the link below.

piano reCITal TICKETS

First Annual Composition Competition Winner

We are delighted to share that the winner of the First Annual Composition Competition is Aidan McCormack! Aidan's piece, "Sun and Shadow on the Blackfoot," will be premiered this summer by Montana Youth Symphony.

Get Connected

We have already made great connections with individuals throughout our amazing state. Subscribe to stay connected and learn more about the Montana Youth Symphony and upcoming opportunities.


Support MYS

We continue to be amazed by the generosity that has been shown throughout Montana! To support our unique program, please consider donating.
